Our Story

Restore 180 is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a just future for young people in our communities. Our mission is to empower youth from disfranchised and marginalized communities that the criminal, juvenile, and school-to-prison pipeline impact.

We understand that these pipelines have devastated individuals, families, and entire communities at large. Our programs are designed to help youth stay out of the criminal legal system and instead focus on their educational pursuits, career goals, and personal development.

These include our Youth Programming as well as Participatory Defense which teaches families how to become advocates for their loved ones within the legal system. We also conduct research to gain insights into how the criminal legal system affects individuals, families, and communities in order to inform our work.

We are driven by a vision of equity and justice for all. We believe that every person should have access to the same opportunities no matter who they are or where they come from. Our core values include equity, resilience, community, compassion, integrity, and courage.

We hope to create a better future for our youth by providing them with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed.